
44th Monterey Jazz Bash Brings the Good

todayJanuary 1, 2024 10 5

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44th Monterey JazzBash Brings the Goods

JazzBash '24

It’s the most wonderful time of the year –no holiday cheer balderdash needed. Gather ’round as we spin you a yarn about the rhythmic wonders awaiting you on the West Coast airwaves! KFQX, your vanguard of the vintage variety, is rolling down the sun-kissed roads of the California coast for The Monterey Jazz Bash. 

Prepare to be transported as Trad, Ragtime, Swing, Gypsy, and Blues converge. Picture this: the salty breeze of the Pacific Ocean dancing through your hair, beckoning you to swing and sway in jubilant abandon. We invite you to join us on this journey of sonic exploration. From the sun-drenched shores of Santa Barbara to the soggy sidewalks of Seattle, we will deliver the finest tunes directly to the comfort of your car, couch, or canopy.

So, mark your calendars and prepare to immerse yourselves in a world where the spirit of jazz rejoices in proper recognition. We’ll be coming with 3 consecutive days of LIVE remote broadcasts from the festival floor, so stay tuned for more details to come. Keep an eye out for our LIVE Remotes Page. In the meantime, to reserve your spot at this years festivities or to learn more about what’s offered, visit: jazzbashmonterey.com

Written by: Maxfield Hunt

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